
GDAS Abergavenny walking group

The GDAS Abergavenny walking group met today at a local outdoor café. After drinking some lovely coffee the group followed an easy route around the meadows with stunning views of the surrounding hills. The sun was also shining!


GDAS Wentwood Forest walking group.

GDAS (Gwent Drug and Alcohol Service) Wentwood Forest walking group. The activity provides an opportunity for individuals, who are in recovery from drug and alcohol use, to access a beautiful forest and enjoy the benefits associated with exercise, social connection and nature. The group recently completed a six mile walk within the forest and caught sight of a deer. The group also recently visited a 4,000 year old stone circle which is situated on Grey Hill.

For more information regarding GDAS, support to address drug and alcohol use and GDAS’ Wellbeing Team visit the website below