EVI (Ebbw Vale Institute)

EVI – Ebbw Vale Institute is a building full of story and culture. Founded in 1849 to promote cultural exchange in the neighbourhood, it was vacant for a number of years before undergoing extensive refurbishment. It is now a vibrant community and cultural centre for Blaenau Gwent and surrounding areas.

This building provides a programme of creative activities, learning and social enterprise development helping to revitalise the economy of Blaenau Gwent.

Our facilities include training and meeting spaces, professional recording studio, café, bar and live performance space.

EVI is home to a variety of organisations including Blaenau Gwent Youth Services, Leeders Vale, Gwent N-Gage, Cyfannol Women’s Aid and ACT Training.

The regeneration of the building has been developed by ProMo-Cymru with support from Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council and the local community. Funding provided by the Big Lottery Community Asset Transfer Scheme has enabled EVI to keep its doors open as a community and cultural centre. Additional funding was provided by the Heads of the Valleys initiative with sponsorship from Sennheiser.

EVI’s mission is ““To work with local communities and beyond to create a centre of excellence to be proud of in which people can participate in, learn, create and be entertained, in keeping with the original ethos of the Ebbw Vale Institute”
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